A round of disc golf with friends and family is a fun and relaxing activity, and these disc golf gifts will make it even better.
My Top Disc Golf Gift Choice
Microfiber towels make good gifts for disc golfers as they need them to wipe the moisture from their discs, and this one is a particularly good option as it comes with a fob made from a real disc golf disc that they can use when warming up.
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Disc golf is a sport that is becoming increasingly popular in the United States, with an estimated 7.4 million people there playing it by 2022.
And it's no surprise why.
As it's an activity that gets you outside, is fun to play, and is something anyone can partake in, making it a great way to spend time with your friends and family.
So if you have an avid disc golfer in your life, or someone who is curious to try it, then how about getting them a gift to help them on their way.
As the following disc golf gift ideas will all come in handy when they go to play a round.
What Can You Buy For Disc Golf Enthusiasts?
When it comes to gift ideas for disc golfers then you have a few options.
As you could go for some new discs for them to play with, disc golf accessories to help them on their round, a backpack to keep it all in, or training items that can improve their game.

1. A Beginner's Set Of Disc Golf Discs
Our first disc golf gift idea is ideal for the beginner that is wanting to try the sport out and that is to get them a starter set of discs.
As this will give them all they need to get going and also be a high enough quality to allow them to practice with and hone their skills.
And the perfect choice for this is the Innova disc golf starter set which has the range of discs they need and is a popular choice amongst disc golfers when starting out.
2. A High Performance Driver For Hitting Those Fairways
Being able to get within putting distance in as few throws as possible is key to getting your disc golf score down, and for this you'll need a good driver disc.
So why not treat them to a high quality driver they'll love with the Dynamic Disc's Felon.
As this one is designed to fly long distances with greater stability and a more predictable fade.
3. A Disc Golf Retriever Pole For Those Pesky Trees
Getting your disc stuck in a tree is par for the course when playing disc golf.
Which means a disc retriever tool is an essential piece of equipment to have in your bag, and as such makes for a great disc golf gift for any player that doesn't have one.
As with the extendable Dynamic Discs retriever tool they'll never face the prospect of losing a disc in a tree again.
4. A Microfiber Towel For Drying Their Discs
Every disc golfer will need a microfiber towel to wipe away moisture from their discs as they make their way around the course.
And for a towel with a difference check out the FlighTowel.
As this one is made specifically for disc golfers and comes with a real piece of a disc golf gift as a fob, which they can use as a warm up for their throw.
So it's a dual purpose gift that they'll love to have in their disc golf bag.
5. A Disc Golf Chalk Bag For Dry Hands
As well as keeping their discs dry, disc golfers also need dry hands so they can maintain good grip and control during their throws.
So another gift option for them would be to get them a chalk bag like the Disc golf chalk bag above.
As these come in especiually handy when playing a round of disc golf on a hot sunny day.
6. A Disc Golf Portable Practice Basket
Being able to putt and finish once you are in range is vital to the success of golfers and disc golfers alike.
And the only way to get better at this is to practice.
So getting your loved one their own portable disc golf target basket to help them master this side of their game could be a game changing gift for them.
And a high quality basket you could go for is the MVP disc golf practice basket which assembles in less than a minute and comes with a travel bag for ease of use.
7. A High Quality Disc Golf Backpack
Once a disc golfer has a collection of discs they like to use on the course then they'll need a good quality disc golf backpack to carry them in and keep them safe.
So if you really want to treat them to a top gift then check out the Dynamic Discs Combat Ranger backpack.
As not only does this have the perfect storage space for all their discs, the bag itself is waterproof, comfortable, and light.
While also having ample storage space and pockets for all their other necessary items such as clothing, smartphones and water bottles.
8. A Disc Golf Challenge Card Game
While disc golf itself is fun to play with the regular rules, you can also spice it up with the use of a disc golf card game.
As this allows you to play forfeits on your opponents such as making them take shots with the wrong discs (putter instead of driver for example) or cancelling a good shot they've made.
Which can be a fun leveller if you can't compete with them usually.
So check out the Ript Revenge disc golf card game for a gift you can play with your friends.
9. A Disc Golf Resistance Trainer To Improve Their Throw
Once someone starts to play disc golf in a more serious way rather than just as a fun activity they will look for any way to improve their game.
And a gift that can help them do that is with a disc golf training kit.
Which makes the Pro Pull disc golf resistance trainer such a brilliant gift idea, as it can help them to improve their throwing strength, technique and speed.
And they can use this resistance trainer both indoors and outdoors, so it's even useful on a rainy day.
10. A Disc Golf T-Shirt To Wear
T-shirts always make for easy gifts to give and there are plenty of options out there for disc golfers, from artsy ones to humorous ones.
So choose the one that would best fit your loved one's tastes and personality.
With one that I like being the disc golf t-shirt above featuring a half basket/half tree image.
Rounding Up
Disc golf is a fun and relaxing pastime where you can spend time with your friends and family and get some fresh air and competition at the same time.
So if you know someone who enjoys disc golfing, a little gift that can help them to improve will always be welcome.
As each of the disc golf gift ideas I've featured here are gifts that will be appreciated by them for sure.