When migraines strike they deliver a pain that can be torturous and debilitating, so why not treat a loved one to a gift that can help.
My Top Gift Choice For People Who Suffer From Migraines
Help them cool their migraine pain down with the headache hat, which is a comfortable wrap around hat that contains 24 ice cubes to give them some much needed relief.
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You may be one of the fortunate ones who are lucky enough not to have experienced a migraine attack before.
However, there's no doubt you'll know plenty of people who have.
As the Migraine Research Foundation estimates that migraines affect 39 million people in the US alone and around 1 billion people worldwide.
Which is pretty staggering.
And if you're 'lucky' then these attacks may only happen once every so often.
But for many people they are a regular occurrence and as a consequence can have a massive impact on their lives.
Because it's a struggle to do anything when a migraine hits.
As the throbbing pain in your head, made worse by even the slightest sound, flash of light, or touch on your skin, is enough to make you weep.
And this pain may also be accompanied by nausea and dizziness.
So, most times you end up unable to do anything other than lying down in a darkened room and waiting for it to pass.
Which means things like working and going about your daily business can become a big problem.
So, the next time you are thinking of getting a gift for a loved one who suffers from migraines, how about getting them something to help ease this pain?
Because there are plenty of items available that can bring them some migraine relief, aid their recovery, and make future attacks less likely.
And to help you I've come up with the following gift ideas for people who suffer from migraines that will all be beneficial in some way.
What Can You Buy That Is Helpful For Migraine Sufferers?
When you're in the middle of a bad migraine attack, having something to hand that can take it away or make things a little easier is the only thing you crave.
So, any gift along these lines will turn out to be something that a migraine sufferer will treasure.
And it'll feel good to give them something that you know will help them.
So, look out for a gift that can:
So, have a read through the following gift ideas and see if there's something that your loved ones would appreciate receiving.

1. A Hat To Soothe Their Aching Head
The first thing you'll need if you suffer from migraines regularly is something that can soothe the throbbing pain inside your head.
Because it can feel like absolute torture, making every tiny movement really painful.
And any light or sound you are exposed too just amplifies the pain and makes you feel worse.
So, my first gift idea for people with migraines is to get them a migraine hat.
As these hats contain an ice pack that cools and soothes your head, and you can pull it down over your eyes to block out the light.
And they also create a compressing effect around your head which can help with the pain.
So, if this sounds like a good option then check out The Headache Hat.
As this one has a strip of 24 ice cubes inside that stay cold for longer than a regular ice pack.
And by wrapping it around your head you get the benefit of the cooling relief and satisfying numbing feeling that the ice gives you.
You can move the hat up to the top of your head if that's where the pain is, or bring it down over your eyes to soothe your forehead.
And the soft fabric of the hat means it's comfortable and light to wear too.
Which is really important when your head is throbbing!
So, The Headache Hat is a great thing to have around to help you ward off the pain of migraines.
2. Migraine Cooling Pain Patches
Another way to cool and numb the pain in your head is by using cooling pain patches.
These are patches containing menthol and lavender that you stick to your forehead to give you a calming and cooling sensation for up to a few hours at a time.
And while you can only use each patch once, they are great to have in your bag to carry around with you.
Because they are your get out of jail card if a migraine strikes while you are at work or out and about.
So, getting a loved one a pack of these patches as a gift is a thoughtful idea that may help them going forward.
As it could introduce them to a new way to manage their pain if they've never tried them before.
And the ones I'd recommend trying are the WellPatch Migraine Cooling Patches.
3. An Acupressure Pillow
Some migraine sufferers have found that alternative therapies such as acupuncture can be a big help for them.
And this has been backed up by studies such as this one in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that found that regular acupuncture sessions reduced both the intensity and frequency of migraines in the people they tested.
So how does this work?
Well, having small needles placed into certain acupressure points in your head and neck stimulates them and helps open up any energy pathways that may have become blocked.
And this allows the blood to flow more freely around your body which promotes relaxation and healing.
While also relieving tension and stress both in your body and your mind.
So, acupuncture is great for getting rid of some of the symptoms that can bring on a migraine.
But if you don't like the idea of needles (or acupuncturist bills!) you can use an acupressure pillow instead.
As these pillows contain over a thousand tiny plastic spikes that also stimulate your acupressure points when you rest your head and neck on them.
So, they work really well as a gift idea for people with migraines and the one I'd recommend is the Ajna Acupressure Pillow.
As this one is well made, great for relieving stress, and gives off a lavender scent to aid relaxation even further.
4. Peppermint Essential Oil For The Temples
Another gift idea that helps someone to relax and let go of the stress and tension that can lead to a migraine is getting them some peppermint essential oil.
As the aroma this gives off is both soothing and refreshing.
And peppermint oil also contains an analgesic that has been found to be effective for relieving migraines.
As the menthol cools and numbs the area of skin you apply it to, which is great for distracting you away from the pain in your head.
So, introducing someone who gets migraines to the benefits of essential oils is a great idea.
And a good one to get them started with is the UpNature Peppermint Essential Oil Applicator.
As this is a ready-diluted blend that they can easily apply straight to their temples via the roll on applicator.
Which will help them to relax and avoid the build up of stress that causes migraines.
5. Tinted Glasses For Relief From Light Sensitivity
People that suffer from migraines typically experience extreme light sensitivity.
And when you're in the midst of an attack even the weakest glimmer of light can cause a lightning strike of pain inside your head.
While being exposed to certain types of lighting can actually trigger a migraine episode, with fluorescent lighting in offices, shopping malls and movie theaters being a prime example of this.
As this type of lighting can strain your eyes and aggravate your brain to the point where your head begins to pound.
So, what can someone with a migraine do to protect themselves from this?
Well, many people have had success by wearing a special pair of tinted glasses.
As these have been shown to be effective in blocking out the light that can cause migraines.
So, they're great for any migraine sufferer who works in an office or shopping center to help them stay protected against the lighting.
And a pair you should consider as a potential gift are the Axon Optics JURA tinted migraine glasses.
As these are effective and look pretty cool when worn too.
6. An Eye Mask To Block Out The Light
When it comes to blocking out light completely during a migraine attack, you really need to use a blackout eye mask.
As this will give you the complete darkness you need to stop any painful rays of light from getting through.
And it also needs to be soft and comfortable to wear.
Because the last thing you want is a mask that feels a bit awkward on your eyes when your head is already pounding.
And this is what makes the IMAK Compression Pain Relief Mask a great gift idea for someone who gets migraines.
Because not only does it do a great job of blocking out the light and protecting their eyes.
The eye pads are weighted to provide a gentle compression that helps you to relax more deeply.
And you can put it in the freezer before use if you want to get some cooling pain relief at the same time.
So, this is a really comfortable blackout eye mask that is great for gaining relief from migraines, headaches and eye strain.
7. A Pair Of Blackout Curtains For Total Darkness
A cool, quiet, and dark bedroom is exactly what you need when you're struggling with a migraine.
As the darkness soothes, relaxes, and protects you at a time when you are extra sensitive to the light.
However, if you get a migraine during the middle of the day this level of darkness can be hard to achieve.
As the sunlight creeps in from outside, irritating you and making your head ache even more.
So a really useful gift to get for a migraine sufferer are a pair of blackout curtains or blinds for their bedroom, such as the ones above.
As this will keep it pitch black no matter what time of the day it is, giving them an oasis to retreat to when pain strikes.
And if you get a pair of thick enough curtains they can also muffle any sounds that may creep in.
Which will also help to keep their migraine pain to a minimum.
8. Foam Ear Plugs To Drown Out Any Noise
You'll also be super sensitive to noise when suffering from a migraine.
With every little sound drilling deep into your skull and ramping up your discomfort.
Which means you ideally need to rest and recover in complete silence.
But depending on your living situation this may not be possible, as your kids, flatmates, or family members may not be the quietest of cohabitants!
So, you need to be proactive in blocking out any noise and you can do this by using foam ear plugs.
And while these won't give you total peace, they can definitely numb the sounds and stop them from having such a nasty effect.
So, if you're after a little stocking stuffer that can help a loved one who gets migraines then the Mack's Soft Foam Ear Plugs would work well.
As they can always reach for a pair of these every time they feel a migraine coming on to tone down any noise.
9. A Good Quality Cooling Head Pillow
When you've got a migraine you'll probably want to lay down and rest until it passes.
Which means you'll want to get your bedroom set up so it's super comfortable, and the pillows you use also play a part in how quickly you recover.
Because if you use a head pillow that is designed to stay cool, this will allow you to rest, relax, and make a big difference to how you feel.
And this is exactly what the Viscosoft Cold Wire Plus Pillow can provide for you.
As this pillow is breathable and cool to the touch, keeping your head cool and comfortable to help battle against the migraine.
While the foam filling is great for providing support and relieving any tension and pressure in your neck, head, and shoulders.
Plus, it comes in 3 loft sizes, so you can get the one suited to your preferred sleeping position.
So, one of these pillows makes another cool (!) gift idea.
As the more you can relax, the better chance you have of the migraine passing more quickly.
10. A Weighted Blanket For Better Sleep
In theory you may benefit from a hug when you have a migraine, but the thought of anyone holding you just sends shivers through your spine.
As your body becomes super sensitive to the touch.
However, another way you can gain the positive effects of a good cuddle is by using a weighted blanket.
Because laying underneath a heavy blanket produces something called deep touch pressure, and this can help you to combat migraine pain.
As the weight feels deeply comforting which calms your nervous system and helps you to relax.
And this encourages the release of serotonin and dopamine, which relieves stress and anxiety as well as regulating your blood pressure.
While also releasing endorphins into your system, which are the body's natural painkillers.
Which will all play a part in helping take the edge off the throbbing pain in your head.
So, a weighted blanket can be a great gift to help someone get over a migraine and the one I'd recommend is the Baloo weighted blanket.
Just make sure you get the right weight, as to be the most effective it needs to be around 10% of the person's actual body weight.
11. A Fleece Throw Blanket To Snuggle Up Under
When a migraines strikes it can leave you feeling really uncomfortable and down in the dumps.
And while extreme migraines leave you no other choice but to retreat to a darkened room, if you suffer from a milder one you may still be able to relax on the couch until it passes.
So, the next gift idea is one that can help people stay warm and comfortable as they recover on their sofa, and that is a fleece throw blanket.
As snuggling underneath one of these can really cheer you up and make you feel a whole lot better.
With a good choice being the Bedsure Sherpa Fleece Throw Blanket.
As this one is super soft and it's two-sided, so you get the choice of a smooth fleece side or a fluffy Sherpa side depending on how you're feeling.
So, everyone should be able to get comfortable under one of these.
12. Organic Peppermint Tea To Soothe Their Symptoms
Now, there is no solid scientific evidence that suggests that drinking herbal tea is going to cure someone's migraine.
However, they can be helpful.
As they can ease the symptoms of a migraine, such as nausea or an upset stomach.
And drinking a herbal tea is also comforting and can have a calming effect, as the person feels like they are doing something positive to help themselves through their pain.
So, a pack of herbal teas makes for a nice little gift, with the Traditional Medicinals organic peppermint tea a good option for migraine sufferers.
As peppermint is a good choice for alleviating the symptoms of a migraine.
And this tea is caffeine-free and has a subtle flavour that is both soothing and relaxing.
13. Blue Light Blocking Glasses To Protect Them From Screen Time
One thing that is vitally important for people who suffer from migraines is to figure out what may be causing them to come on.
Because there is usually a trigger that sets off a migraine attack, and one of these may be overexposure to blue light.
You get blue light rays from your TV, laptop, and smartphones, and in the modern age most of us are exposing ourselves to far too much screen time.
So, if your migraines typically arrive at night after a day where you've spent a lot of time looking at a screen, then it may be the blue light that is triggering it.
Which means wearing a pair of blue light blocking glasses while you're using the laptop or watching TV might help you reduce the frequency of these migraine attacks.
As this will protect you and reduce eye strain by absorbing the blue light coming from your devices.
So, check out the Gunnar Optiks range for a pair of blue light blocking glasses to give as a gift to a migraine sufferer who loves their technology.
14. A Book To Help Them Overcome Migraines
Regular migraine attacks can leave you feeling helpless and at the mercy of an irresistible enemy.
However, in some cases there are things you can do that will either prevent migraines from coming on, or at least slow down the frequency.
This can include your daily habits, your diet, and the vitamins you take, which can all have a big impact.
And giving someone this knowledge could be one of the best gifts they ever get.
As they can gain more control over their lives and know what to do to best combat a migraine when it hits.
So, the 'Fighting The Migraine Epidemic' book by Dr Angela Stanton could be a priceless gift for them.
As this book walks you through exactly how you can help yourself, from identifying and eliminating migraine triggers, to treating them when they do arrive.
And in also goes really in depth if they want to get a medical level knowledge of everything migraine related.
But the first two parts of self-help guidance are worth the admission fee alone.
15. An Adult Colouring Book To Distract Them
Sometimes the best thing you can do when a mild to moderate migraine hits you is to try and distract yourself away from the pain.
Because focusing on the pain will only amplify it.
However, when you focus your attention on something else this pain will begin to lessen and become more manageable.
And a good way to do this is with a colouring book.
Now, I know that colouring in may seem like a kids activity, but it can be really beneficial for adults too.
As it is absorbing, helps you to relax your mind, and opens up the creative part of your brain.
So, giving someone an adult colouring book and a set of colouring pencils is a lovely little gift that can help them get over their next migraine.
And you could go classy with the Posh Adult Colouring Book, or a little more outrageous with the Calm The Fuck Down Adult Colouring Book.
But both will take their mind off the pain in their head for a while, which is what you're looking for.
Rounding Up
Migraines are awful and can be really debilitating for regular sufferers.
However, you can get your loved one a little gift that will help to ease their migraine pain.
And I hope you've found something suitable among the list of gift ideas for migraine sufferers that I've given you here.
Because receiving a gift that lessens their pain and makes their life a bit easier will be a wonderful thing for them.
And they'll love you for it!